Termite Control

Your house is one of your largest investments, so it is important to protect it from organisms and wood destroy pests. Termites love any building made out of wood, and that is what they feed on. There are a few types of these organisms and wood destroying pests, which live in giant colonies and should not be ignored. They are on a constant mission to find a fresh house to devour. You do not want them to make your next house their meal. UnitedTHS has been protecting Sacramento Valley Homes from termite activity for over 18 years. You can trust our various termite control solutions to give you peace of mind that termite activity is under control at your property. If you have any questions or need to consult one of our Termite Inspectors, please call for an appointment today at 916.265.5300.

Types of Termites and Treatment Recommendations:

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites are known to infest homes and buildings. These termites are the most destructive out of all the different termites found in California. They’re social insects that live in nests or colonies in the soil. Subterranean termites get their nutrition from wood and other material containing cellulose. Which is bad for us, because that also includes the homes we own and live in.Subterranean termites are also known for protecting themselves from temperature extremes and attack by ants and other insects. Termites that forage for food above ground protect themselves by building mud tubes. Worker termites build these tubes from particles of soil or wood and bits of debris held together by salivary and fecal secretions. Some tubes can be thick or thinly constructed to accommodate many termites moving vertically between the soil and their source of food. A tell tale sign of knowing you have termites are when these tubes are present in your home.


The type of treatment recommended will depend on the structure of the home and where the evidence of Termite infestation is located. In most cases we will recommend to apply a liquid termiticide between the soil and your home.

The most effective way of spreading it is through narrow trenches, placed adjacent to the base of the exterior foundation. At points along the exterior where concrete adjoin the structure, (such as porches, driveways, walkways and patios), small holes are drilled in the concrete, along the foundation. The chemical is then injected to the soil beneath the concrete and afterwards the holes are patched. If your home has a crawl space beneath it, our technicians will also treat the soil at the base of the foundations and pier posts.

Drywood Termites

Unlike subterranean termites that nest in soil, drywood termites nest deep in dry and sound wood above ground level. Often times they are difficult to detect unless you know what to look for. Ways we determine drywood termites are present are when flying adult termites, which are also called “swarmers”, or fecal pellets are found. These tiny fecal pallets are from the “worker” termites and are pushed out from kickout holes in the wood they infest.


The most common form of treatment for Drywood Termites is fumigation. Fumigations have a higher rate of success because areas that may be infected, but aren’t visible, are treated as well. Removal of infected wood is also another option, but depends on how widespread the infestation is.

Dampwood Termites

As the name hints, Dampwood termites infest wood with high moisture content. These termites are normally found in decaying wood that is touching the ground (i.e. tree stumps, fallen limbs, etc.) Dampwood termites are larger in size than any of the other termites we come across here in California and do not typically infest homes.When they are found in homes, excessive moisture is the reason why. Adequate ventilation in your crawl space is vital to help prevent infestation, as well as fixing any leaks.

Treatment and Prevention

Treatment for the eradication of Dampwood Termites is two fold. First the sources of excessive moisture corrected. This can be from a leaky faucet or pipe, no ventilation in the crawl space or even rain water drainage. Afterwards, the wet wood members must be removed and replaced, this also includes pieces of loose wood members in the soil of the crawl space. Some wood members may even have earth to wood contact, which must also be corrected. After all conditions are fixed, then a termiticide is applied.

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